I Can't Wait...
until I have my own class. I subbed for a teacher for whom I have subbed before. It was wonderful to already know some of the kids, and to know who might be the troublemakers. For instance, there was a particular boy who was pretty disruptive last time. Now, last time I let the kids sit with whoever they wanted (I didn't actually tell them they could do this, they just did, and by the time I realized it, I didn't have them move to their assigned seats). This time, as this class was coming in, I informed them they had to sit in their assigned seats. This split disruptive boy from his friends. Nonetheless, he was still a bit chatty, so I gave him one chance to be quiet, and then I moved him to his own table, with his back to the rest of the class. Now, he did not completely be quiet, but he was much better, and actually got some work done. Because I knew in advance he might be trouble, I already had a plan, and was able to put it in action. I know when I actually have my own students, I will be able to plan similarly (and to a greater extent).
Also, that day, the girl who I had to send to the office last time I was there, was very good. I don't know if she was just having an off day (ha ha), or if she realized that I wasn't going to take her crap, so she didn't give me any. In the note I left for the teacher, I let her know this girl worked very diligently during class. Hopefully she will get some credit for being well-behaved. I noticed she was on the detention list for every day that week!
Finally, this class that I was subbing for was an art class. I don't know how art teachers do it. I have never been so exhausted. Trying to keep everybody happy with their paint colors, trying to avoid huge messes, trying to get kids to clean up - it was wild. I spent about 45 minutes after school ended cleaning the teacher's room so she didn't have to come back to a mess. I think I might have gone above and beyond the call of duty, but I wanted to make a good impression. I am a suck up.
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