And Now I Can Prove My Point
I subbed first grade yesterday afternoon. Since I came in just for the afternoon, I actually got to see the teacher before she left. When I spoke to her, she gave me some great information. It was like she had read my tips for teachers to leave the sub! She told me (1) how to quiet down the class (2 different ways!), (2) which student I could really count on to help me with class rules and procedures, and (3) her policy on bathroom passes and drinks. She did neglect to tell me about a special procedure (which kids get to go get the lunch boxes and when they go), but the "count on" student filled me in. She didn't leave me names of any troublemakers - but I am not sure if there were any. They were great. I just love first graders. So sweet and fun. One little girl even told me that she wished I could be their long-term sub (their original teacher is away on maternity leave). I worked individually with this girl for about an hour during math (a co-teacher taught the rest of the class - and this little girl is so far behind that she can't really participate in regular math lessons), so she really got to know me more than the other kids, but it was still nice to hear her say that.
On another bright note - a teacher I subbed for earlier (she is actually the art teacher, in whose class I had to send a girl to the office) requested me to sub for her on Friday. Friday is the only other day I can sub this week (because of law stuff - ugh- don't get me started on how much I hate the law), so I am really glad to get the work.
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