Reformed Lawyer

Stories From a Former Lawyer/ Future Teacher/ Current Substitute

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Best Invention Ever

Let me take a moment to sing the praises of what is quite possibly the best invention ever (or at least in the past couple of decades): TiVo. I realize that I am not alone in singing TiVo's praises, but I must tell my story.

I am a reality TV junkie. I watch American Idol, America's Next Top Model, The Apprentice, and the Bachelor. I have not really been keeping up with TV lately (except through TiVo), so I did not realize that a new season of the Bachelor was about to begin. Even if I had been sure, I have been so bored by the last few installments (I count the Bachelorette as the same show here) that I am not sure I would have watched. But TiVo remembered, due to my season pass. I realized last night when I got home from class that TiVo was taping something, and when I was figured out it was the Bachelor, I was quite pleased. Thank you, TiVo. The new Bachelor looks like it is going to be disgustingly awful, and thus much more enjoyable. I am sure my husband thanks you to.


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